Building Community Power and Resiliency

Everybody vs. Racism (EvR) has been working alongside our Nashville community through a collective impact approach to design and implement programmatic efforts called the “Everybody” series, which provides community support around education and activation relating to the intersection of anti-racism and common systemic injustices such as literacy, food insecurity, financial empowerment, and beyond. Our idea for positively impacting the world is to take what we and the community have built together through this series to the next level by scaling our model, which has achieved positive results in 13 cities across the U.S.

To provide healthy, culturally relevant food and resources for access to support such as SNAP/food stamps, WIC, and other critical anti-hunger supports. Starting by preventing food insecurity in Nashville, we work towards scaling positive impact.

Everybody Eats

With the goal of increasing literacy scores for students and providing accessibility to books, Everybody Reads is aimed at students in low-income schools who historically and systemically have received less resources and support for their students.

Everybody Reads

Increase financial literacy, Everybody Wins provides education for people ranging from high schoolers to retirees, with resources and information on how to apply for a scholarship to how to start a business. The goal of Everybody Wins is to break the systemic barriers that come with living in poverty.

Everybody Wins

A program designed to celebrate and amplify what folks can create when their basic needs are met. It encompasses music, art, science, policy, and community leadership. We do this through social events with creative expression, including storytelling, parties, art shows, and mentorship programs. Look at what our community can create together!

Everybody Creates

For more information on our programs or to get involved, please complete the form below.